• Beauty is not rooted in appearance,
    Instead beauty is the remebrance
    of ones that have been lost,
    Beauty is not just in the arts,
    Instead beauty is the emotions of the heart.

    These emotions cannot be explained in words,
    But can be trasferred into actions,
    The crying for the death of a close friend,
    The laughter of a child,
    The kiss of a dear lover,
    The dedication of a good coach,
    The determination of a team to go all the way,
    The closeness of friends,
    A school full of heart,

    Beauty is not just an image,
    But the heart of
    Trail and error,
    The process of success,
    The remembrance of the
    ones close at hand or a far,

    Beauty is not rooted in appearance,
    Instead beauty is remebrance of
    that special one. crying