• I am not your pet, nor am I your doll or toy.
    I am a person and I will not be controlled
    Not by you, or anyone only me.
    So untie those things from your fingers
    Because I won’t be your puppet any longer.
    I am not a doll you can play with when you bored.
    I am not a toy you can leave broken and discarded.
    I am not a pet you can train to obey.
    I will not succumb to you or anyone else.
    I’m taking these scissors and cutting my strings
    I’m braking free from this uncontrollable grasp.
    Learn to accept my faults, or don’t accept me at all.
    What do you want a person or a doll?
    A lover or a robot?
    Your asking for something perfect, something without faults.
    Well guess what nobodies perfect so you better go find this ‘nobody’
    Let me make my mistakes and let me fix them.
    I can only do so much bending before I snap
    and guess what, that time has come.