• I see right through you,
    Right through your lies.
    Right through what you tell people,
    What I know isn't true.
    You lie to hide.
    To hide yourself.
    Hide your true form.
    You lied to her.
    You lied to me.
    And at first I believed you.
    But once pieces of the puzzle come together,
    The picture starts forming,
    The picture of your true form.
    It's ugly and twisted,
    Probably from the lies.
    It's pained and hurt,
    That's why you lie.
    It's green with envy.
    Do you really envy him?
    You don't have to lie.
    You don't have to hide.
    You don't have to be accepted by everyone.
    Just don't lie.
    Don't hide.
    And your true self won't be,
    As it is now.
    Don't lie.
    Don't hide.