• i care for him with all my heart
    i take my heart out and crush it because i care
    i remember the first day we met..it was like eating the sweetes candy on earth
    moths passed.. he bacme depressed and furious i became worried
    when i reached my hand out to help him he walked away or smacked it away
    i started to drown in my own tears and pain when i lied in my bed what used to be ful of life but now is full of needles and blood
    i lyed to people... i said i was happy and that i was ok but inside i was dying
    when i became a compleat orhan my brain died and i became numb...soulless
    i became heartless i cut my hair so it could be in my face
    my heart was raped by darkness and pain
    i treted my self like i was worthless and i didt deserve to live
    i became ruthless and evil
    when you came back i was more cold hearted then anyone has ever seen
    when a good friend stuck her hand out to me i looked at her like she was crazy
    she smiled like the sun i though i cold see my mom in her eyes i took her hand..
    she changed me... i no longer had a cold heart.. my hear was stiched back together as one
    i smilled and laughed for the first time in years
    she is now a deep friend stiched inside of me...
    when i see him i still try to help him... no matter how much he rejects me
    and i still call him my brother by heart no matter what...
    and soon he'll change and be happy ill be happy too
    (the piture is me and that friend that helped me im the on on the left)