• heart M heart

    sun shines bright in the day
    while the moon shines high in the dark sky
    i would never leave your heart on a tray
    because your heart is not like a pie

    the beaches in Brunei are usually hot
    so you might want to use a pair of ventilated slippers
    i wouldn't ever let your heart alone in the parking lot
    because something might just attack your precious heart like spiders

    words go about in the town
    about a famous traveller who is soo very rich
    every minute i spend with you really counts
    because spending time all alone here really itch

    black is dark
    white is bright
    in your heart i will leave a precious mark
    because it will guide you in the form of light

    i wrote everything that is to be written
    from the A to the Z
    i have always wanted to be yours
    i would also hope for you to have the same feeling for me too