• I stand in a crowd of masked faces
    Family, friends, neighbors
    Yet even so they are strangers to me
    The masks are smiling cheerful smiles
    Yet as I remove them, I see different
    My father frowns upon his wrongs; touch beyond love
    My mother frowns upon her upbringing; children that sin
    My neighbor frowns upon his loss; a life not yet ready to pass
    Why, why are you hiding these faces
    Why are you hiding your truth
    Behind masks of illusion, deception
    Why are you deceiving me
    Why pretend you are when you are not
    Please, do not deceive me any longer
    As you deceive me, you deceive yourself
    If you must wear a mask wear one that reflects
    Yes, a mirror mask.
    As you wear this mask
    Reflect who you really are.
    Only then will I see you
    For who you claim to be