• When dreams cease to exist nightmares begin
    Paralyzing dreams in which I can’t wake out of bed
    Enshrouded in gloom unable to leave as if caught in a treacherous web
    Pinned to the ground by the unseen what is my sin?

    Devil on my back ready to attack
    Painfully whips me with a flail
    Silence one minute then screams which echo with a wail
    Cold and very bitter in my current state everything seems dank

    The cold quickly dissipates and crimson burning fires form soot
    Unable to breathe dust seems to seep through my lungs
    Unable to fend off the sounds of wicked tongues
    When innocence is silenced evil takes root

    My sanity is questioned among a world of no serenity
    Never ending nightmares always seem to flare
    This troubling concern is very hard to bare
    I fathom the question who is this evil entity?