• been like this
    by BlueFheiry
    A Poem of The Pessimistic Me

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    been like this,
    in field of mist
    lost in this abyss
    of such nothingness
    and truly endless lists.

    been like this in a while,
    lost without genuine smile
    like a lonely, lonely lone exile,
    forsaking what's beyond the mile
    in the darkness for a long, long while.

    been like this in cruel fate,
    forlorn, sentenced to suffocate,
    flawed by this world's hurting hate,
    trapped in uncertain, wavering faith,
    still begging for love that's just too late.

    been like this like a moor
    in the desert that i've been lured,
    a mirage of greatness that's very poor,
    testifying against destiny as the lone juror
    of my life's tempest and neverending conquer.

    been like this, savaged and truly hated,
    destroyed by sober anxiety that's postdated;
    when a little leap of faith is all that's been needed,
    i cowardly runaway and forget i have been a blessed
    for fear i might fall a failure, relinquished and beheaded.

    been like this and would i ever be
    free from all life's thwartings and cruelty?
    when all hope's slowly fading and no light to see,
    when darkness is all i hold, and it felt like drowning at sea,
    will i ever know what it's like, been like this, if i will not fight for thee?