• In the woods, there is a wall
    made of crumbling stone.
    It once surrounded a garden,
    but is now forsaken.
    Now and again one could see
    the neglected stone pathways.
    The fountain is no longer
    spouting water into the air.
    Mysterious secrets surround
    this forgotten shrine.
    As the wind flutters by,
    It whispers foreign words.
    The leaves shudder against
    the ancient trees.
    The ground feels hallow,
    like consecrated land.
    The river nearby speaks
    words of legends and myths;
    of undiscovered truths.
    The eyes in the trees are
    watching, waiting,
    for the one who is to come
    to learn the secrets of forever,
    to remain in the garden for forever.

    The spirits of the trees,
    the souls of the garden
    await the arrival
    of their charge.
    They are her keepers.
    The power of The One
    resides in this Dark Garden,
    which they will guard forever.