• I like to hang around when someone needed me..
    I always love to help out to the people who needed it..
    I'm willing to listen if they have something to say..
    I love to come to them when they have nowhere else to stay..
    I love these things because I know it is my purpose.
    It's just that somehow I get tired for always doing it and only it.
    Sometimes I feel I deserve more than and not just this.
    Not always the listener, not always the one around when someone needed a "one-night stand friend"
    Now I feel sick of it..
    I need someone too..
    Someone who will care, listen and understand.
    Someone who'll always be there when I'm the one who need them..
    You know I don't need money or anything that money can buy..
    What I need is someone who'll stay until the end of time..
    Someone I can trust even when I'm not around.
    Someone who'll put up with me when my mood swings are down..
    I don't wanna feel left out or feel so upset..
    I just can't hold myself back from pity and regret..
    You see me when you're down but not when you're upbeat..
    you always hang around, when you can't feel the heat..
    I wanna tell you how I feel, but would you listen to what say?
    I wanna show you I'm broken, but will you understand and stay?
    I wish you could see me, but will it ever happen?
    I wanna stay with you, but do you want me to?