• (James is on a raft in the pool, sleeping, and the others are watching.)
    Logan: Is it time?
    Kendall: It's time. Carlos.
    Carlos: Whoa! Free hair gel!
    James: Where? (He falls into the water and comes up for air and the others laugh.) Yeah. Funny. Very funny. Now where's the free hair gel!?
    Carlos: This is sweet. It's like a vacation, but with singing....It's a singcation.

    Teacher: Okay class. Today, we're going to learn about fractions. And the best way to do that is with pie. (Class cheers.) And after we're done, I guess we'll have to eat them.
    Logan: I love fractions.
    Carlos: I love pie.
    Kendall: I think we're going to like it here.
    (They go to walk in, but Kelly stops them.)
    Kelly: You're not going to school here.
    (Scene changes to a supplies closet and the boys are sitting at desks.)
    Gustavo: Welcome to the School of Rocque.
    James: I don't like this school.

    (Girl finishes singing.)
    Gustavo: Your singing makes me want to dance. (Girl smiles.) Off of a cliff! Next!