• Our love was never meant to be.
    For it was fate, you see.
    When I saw you it was love at first sight.
    I wanted to hold you ever so tight.
    Though there was competition for you.
    My love for you had struck true.
    Months later, our relationship grew.
    But our parents' wrath did too.
    Our decision was to elope.
    In order to find new hope.
    But that was the turn for the worse.
    Where I had wished time could reverse.
    The rents were too steep.
    There was no way we could make a heap.
    Soon enough, It was just as I had fear.
    A Baby's heartbeat we could hear.
    Since then I had grown fierce.
    And made you burst into tears.
    In your Agony,you committed suicide Your lifeless body, I was forced to hide.
    With nothing else to live for. I cursed myself for not treating as I should before.
    Perhaps this is the punishment for the path i have taken.
    As a God's forsaken.