• No one can see the similarities between humans
    It seems no one wants to
    I can't say you've come from somewhere different
    I can't say you deal with things i can't imagine
    But the world as a whole is all the same
    Some days I can believe this with hope
    When I try to see
    Everything works
    This body and place doesn't matter to me
    The hearts and souls
    The understanding and concentration
    Can't you try to see it
    Being the same things isn't having a personality
    It's how much you do for yourself
    What you can do and accept as an answer
    Or rather a start
    Never has there been a person any length world apart
    If they let me get closer
    I may not even try
    But it just works
    The only difference that matters to me
    Is how far you go to stand and fight
    For the truth
    Not the perfect answer
    The answer that is simply perfect for you
    As I write this all I know
    Is I'm closer to it then before.