• I want to forgive but I'm held back
    I want to let go but I'm still intact
    I want to kiss him but he refuses
    I want to believe him but he's lost all that trust like a snake
    I want to hold him with all my strength and take
    I want to live with him through thick and thin
    I want to forgive him no matter his sin
    I want to beseech him without a care in the world
    I want to release him from my memory
    I want to forget
    I want to let go
    I want to see him happy
    I want to see him smile but with each milestone it hurts too much
    I want to make him laugh and hear his sweet voice
    I want to make him happy and push him to go for better
    If I am not so different than any other woman
    Then why does he claim "I'll never leave you?" and does?
    U'd think he'd atleast have the heart to tell me the truth
    U'd think he'd have a heart to begin with
    But I was wrong yet again
    This seems to happen too many times
    I might as well shun out the world
    Only because it offers me nothing
    Only because it has taken the only one I gave my heart too
    Only because he has never cared for me
    Why do women and men go through these hurtful lies?
    Why do people never truly try?
    Why cant I be loved like any other human being?
    Am I not human?
    If you hit me dont I hurt?
    If you kiss me dont I smile?
    If you love me dont I love back?
    If you hurt me dont I cry?
    If you hold me dont I hold on to you?
    If you cut me dont I bleed that same blood which flows through you?
    If I do all these things why am I so different than her?
    I want to hate her but I know its just a faze
    I want to hurt her but I know its all a lie
    I want to hold her so I can look into these eyes which stole him away from me
    I want to forgive
    I want to forget
    I want to "LOVE"
    But most of all I want HIM