• Did I?

    The crimson water flows
    Steadily lessening,
    The gasps and gurgles,
    The ghastly giggles;
    These ruby hands and scarlet blade a blessening.

    But I didn't do it;
    I didn't do it.

    Eyes running like rivers
    Praying from what He tore from this life,
    The horror of the act,
    This daemon pact,
    No love nor hope, no faith nor trust,
    Curse'd be wielder of that knife.

    But I didn't do it;
    I didn't do it.

    Little red didn't run fast enough,
    The hunter caught up, no dear heart today.
    Her cries of joy,
    The red parade,
    Not the jabberwocky but Alice this vorpal
    Sword doth slay.

    But I didn't do it;
    I didn't do it.