• Blood, Pentagrams, and Anarchy

    Men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.

    -Revelation 9:6

    Part 1
    But no more was it so eager to disperse,
    now it came,
    summoned by evil witchcraft and disgusting treason,
    and as I was one of the men who did not search for death,
    It was me who it came for,
    the last true meal.

    Part 2

    Crucifixion is a painful thing,
    even more when it is spectated by the devil.
    My shouts could be enough to kill some men,
    my pain was great,
    blood wrenching,
    The star I stood in now was made in blood,
    my blood,
    and more of it was covering everything,
    the ground,
    the cross I was nailed to,
    even the ceiling.

    Part 3

    My soul was at last being exorcised,
    and it was so torn free from the prison of a mind I posess,
    the was now not physical,
    now, it was my mind that was churning,
    I saw my fingers being ripped off and then my arms,
    followed by the other arm,
    but I felt warm inside,
    even though I stared in terror at my limbs,
    I knew I had finally reached a nirvana,
    and wouldn't have to go through with this tearing moment again.
