• I sit and wonder,
    How it is that a friend could mean so much,
    That you can love in an unromantic way,
    And need their advise more than any others,
    How they mean the world to you,
    It seems like, when you describe it, you are in love
    But it's nothing like that,
    Just a simple friendship that, when it's over, hurts
    Like nothing you have ever really felt,
    It is so complex in its entirety,
    In its sweetest moments,
    In its bitter end,
    A friend is a wonder of the world,
    You learn that siblings don't have to be blood related,
    But simply mind related,
    And it makes you laugh,
    When you realize you think a like,
    But it makes you cry,
    When you don't any more,
    When you grow apart,
    And that friendship comes to a conclusion,
    Like a book that you never want to end,
    But it does,
    And so life goes on,
    But that friend changed you for the better,
    In such a way that you wouldn't be you without them,
    And a new friendship will blossom,
    And who knows,
    Maybe this one will last for your whole life.