• The man in a grey suit.
    No where going,
    No where been.
    He wears his hat
    On days without sun.
    He carries a briefcase for a
    Job he lost.
    In his briefcase is
    Everything he owns.
    He is beautiful…
    On the outside.

    He comes home to a room
    Of empty space.
    His house is full of
    Broken dreams,
    Broken hearts,
    And broken spirits.
    He is haunted at night by
    His self he could’ve been.
    He screams to the sun
    In moonlight.
    He talks to the moon
    In daylight.

    He pays a gas bill each Month
    For $0.
    His cold spirit
    Makes the room feel

    Each day he hasn’t any
    Or lunch.
    He eats a frozen meal
    For dinner.
    In a four-bedroom Apartment..
    Only he lives there.

    He lives in New York.
    That world of inspiration
    Is not for him.
    He lives in the
    Essex Building.
    In room 107.
    That is where
    He passes the time
    Debating issues with
    About issues that are Expired.
    He asks himself,
    “What country was responsible for crashing into the Twin Towers?”
    But their answers are
    But he doesn’t know.
    He doesn’t want to.
    Except for if he finds out
    For himself.
    Then he finds the solution.
    That feeling of…
    He loves it.
    Because it’s the only thing
    That would come back
    If he loved it.

    This man in a grey suit….
    Wears nothing else
    But a grey suit.
    He is wanderlust
    And cannot
    Fulfill it.
    This is the mind of…
    The man in a grey suit.
