• darkness is slowly swalowing me whole i am dieing i am betrayed i was left for dead by somone i belived loved me i belived worng they deserted me and left me
    as a fatality of war i was left behind like i was before i am alone forever more deserted by the very one who was suposed to be there for me till death do us
    part i loved them and one word from somone changed thier mind forever its funny how esily people are swayed from the ones they love just by a word from a
    jelous somone who could care less for you. i loved them and they left me i trusted them and they batrayed me i wish i had seen it but now its too late im
    left alone in the cold shadows of death im losing all my fate in those i love how can i trust them if one thing sways them away from me.i am in the clutches of death now and i welcome it with open arms
    i wish i could have sooner then i wouldnt be hurt so much and the one i love would not be either i am defective i am not seen im my loved ones eyes as what i am i am seen as what i can be
    and i wish i wasnt seen at all i prefer to be invisable than to be seen as how i could be improved. i am neaither loved nor wanted but that is fine with me as long as i am not a burden on those i love i can see
    my loved one that left this earth long ago i am now joining them and i am glad of it for they shall be with me forever and shant leave me behind like my still living loved one once did.