• The Northern goddess is now awake, quick to shelter you must take. What once was green turned golden brown, now lays to rest under frozen ground. She dances in the night and holding true to her title, she freezes time so it forever stays idle.

    As the bristling chill arose, the creek, river, and lake thus froze, she then took to the skys and looked through eagle eyes, her creation from above looked of quite the wonderland, truly now all would see that winter was at hand.

    She laid on the clouds above, overflowing with both hapiness and love, reactions from those who would see her art, seemed to warm her frost filled heart. She made quite sure that all was nigh before she danced again, to defrost time and bid adieu for this was now the end.

    An honor to behold as she tucked the world in white, puting blankets of snow over us then kissing us good night. Her kiss sent shivers, yet told us it was time, that she'd be back again next year and so I end this rhyme.

    ~By: Anthony G. R. B. (Hiltshank)