• Who am I? Why do you ask that which you already know? You do not know!? Why do you lie? No… Stop for no matter what your answer may be… It too is a lie. So you still wish for me to answer that ludicrous question? Fine… I shall comply for nothing more than my own satisfaction of showing you the truth.

    I am the omnipresent source of jealousy, the need for that which lies far beyond your reach. I am Envy.
    I am a seed born of Envy, the urge to take until nothing Is left, to gorge for one’s own satisfaction. I am Greed.
    I am Gluttony. I am born of Greed, the need of release, an escape from my delusional libido found when my eye sees beauty.
    I am Lust. I am the companion of gluttony, the apathy of existence, the unmotivated life one finds when happiness is experienced at its peak.
    I am Sloth. I am the glory of freedom, the satisfaction in having what pleases me and raises my status. I am Pride.
    I am the chaos born from awaking the dead, the consequence of angering a demon. I am Wrath.

    So who am I?
    I am the truth inside the human mind.
    I am mistake.
    I am forbidden pleasure.

    I am Sin…
    I am You.