• You left in the spring
    It was when buds tumbled into the still water
    Ripples making waves
    Like the years of a tree

    The first year
    You said my name
    Your quick little laugh gave my life meaning
    It was like light after eternal darkness

    The second year
    You wobbled on your little legs
    But you were soon taking long strides
    Right into my arms where you felt safe

    The third year
    You held my hand
    As you puzzled over many faces
    And you took pleasure in learning your A-B-C's

    The fourth year
    You'd cry when you didn't get your way
    But I told you that you were fine
    Because each tear made you a little bit stronger

    The fifth year
    You smiled as you received your diploma
    You spent hours counting on your fingers
    Seventeen more years to go

    But when it was spring of the sixth year
    You took too large a step
    And you fell, and I wasn't there to help you up
    I will never forgive myself

    I know you're watching me now
    And your little brother, too
    I won't let him take too big a step
    I couldn't lose you again; I'm too fragile

    Just promise that you'll be waiting
    You are in better hands
    That will help you keep walking
    Without restrictions

    Because someday I'll find you
    And we'll run