• > Saturday, March 20, 2010 at 3:36pm

    We meet under the million star,
    Of the night, to unleash a wish;
    As we walk through this perpetual dropstar,
    Never ask a cry of a fallen wish.

    I dreamt of million hope seeker,
    And they waiting, with full of Sorrow;
    Scarred by the Hatred heartbreaker,
    Sadly, nobody in this world really care to know.

    Archangels spread up the wings,
    Devastations unveil the rebirths,
    Along the way of life with full of lyings,
    Don't ever stop searching for the truths.

    I drive in the middle of a battlefield,
    I deprive to see sky with neverending bullet shower;
    Though I strive speak out in this battlefield,
    But I can't revive the situation that is over.