• I am a mouse
    Scared and confused
    I wonder what the cat might do
    I hear the cat sleeping
    Dreaming of my demise

    Outting pressure on me
    Untill I pop
    Is how he feels I must be taught

    I hear the cat wanting to pounce
    I want to run
    but im at a loss

    I am a mouse

    I pretend to be tough and strong
    But the days are just so hard
    I feel unwanted
    A pest
    I touch the trap
    And then it it snaps!
    It hurts and I can feel my life slipping away
    I cry as I realize I lost the game
    The game of life

    I am a mouse

    I understand that I am low and people hate me for the things I’ve stole
    I say I’m sorry
    But they don’t care
    They set the traps out anyways
    To hear me weap
    They enjoy my pain
    They celebrate it

    I am dead

    I dream of a even world where I can be who I am
    To not be jugde
    To be understood

    I am a mouse

    cold and lifeless
    once fighting but now just tired of trying
    so here I lay taking the pain
    day after day

    I am a mouse

    I am me