• You looked at me and smiled
    We held our stare for awhile
    I turned my head in shame
    Was this all a game?
    We use to be together
    Promised eachother forever
    Now we're on serperate ways
    but my love for you is same as always
    Now we're just friends
    How did it come to an end?
    You said you would love me forever
    I thought forever never ends, whatsoever.
    Now you're with a girl, beautiful as can be.
    I stare at her in envy, she replaced me.
    Now my heart is broken into millions
    my tears shed by the trillions
    I think of you every night
    when I see you now my heart takes flight
    Why can't we be what we were?
    You would love me, and not her.
    I paint on a smile
    just for a while
    for my courage is growing
    with myself knowing
    you'll end up dying inside,
    feeling the pain I always hide
    Now my determation renewed
    I am strong and will learn to live without you.