• Here I am between the heavens and this Earth
    I chase one man-call him Clockwork
    The master of it all-he determines my fate
    I am sent on my spiral by this fiend
    He tempts me with his power
    "Come have a taste of infinity"
    I refuse and the chase ensues once more
    Through time and, yes, even through space
    I have chased him since my youth
    My efforts always were in vain
    But never did I give up on my quest
    "Curse you, demon! I'll have you yet!"
    What power have I in the end?
    My body has aged in my pursuit of this phantom
    My joints ache with Clockwork's strain
    He has been sapping my strength this whole time
    "So it has been all in vain in the end..."
    I fall to the ground as my strength begins to leave me
    Only then does Clockwork show himself
    "Not in vain, friend. Your journey is just beginning."
    Taking my hand, he lifts me to my feet
    I feel my strength return to me as my body is renewed
    "Your race was valiant, now here is your reward:
    Take my place as Clockwork of this realm.
    Lead these lost people and make them chase you.
    When they too finish their race,
    Reward them as I have rewarded you."
    The body of my youth had returned as Clockwork vanished
    But Clockwork never vanishes, does he?
    In the end, the idea of Clockwork only changes bodies after all.