• Ripped apart at the seams.
    This all feels like a horrible dream.
    A weary head,
    Falling out of bed.
    Sleepless nights.
    Horrible frights.
    No one to turn to,
    In my time of need.
    Someone just look,
    I'm going to scream.
    Tears of acid
    Tears of blood.
    Tears that always continue to flood.
    They start to spill
    into my lungs
    They're drowning me.
    what have I become?
    A creature of the night,
    Who can't afford to love.
    All it does Is craves what is above.
    The darkness and tears
    Drown it's soul.
    Unrecognizable to those untold.
    If you ever see
    It's dark scarred face.
    Look away,
    And keep your pace.
    No sympathy for those who weep.
    And as they say,
    Those who are wicked,
    Get no sleep.