• Every word inside of me dies when you are near
    Your angelic smile brings me to tears
    And you don't even know
    you don't even know

    Because my heart aches for you
    even when you break others
    And you don't even know
    you don't even know

    It's like waiting in line for a rollercoaster
    I hear the screaming passengers
    but I still wait my turn

    I could leave anytime
    but deep inside I want to know
    Can I handle it?

    And you don't even know
    you don't even know

    How much I care
    How every embrace leaves me
    feeling like I'm a queen

    How one minute you make me so happy
    the next I'm falling
    into a deep deppresion

    You're the rollercoaster I wait my turn for
    I long to feel every twist
    and turn
    and deep stomach plummeting drop that is you.

    It would be worth it, all for that
    moment when you stop at the very top
    and the world stands still
    everything is so beautiful then.

    I'd wait in line for eternity to ride your rollercoaster to hell.
    And you don't even know
    you don't even know

    Because I'm just another girl
    waiting my turn.
    So many before me
    time rushes by
    so many screams
    on the rollercoaster to hell.