• I miss the days when the most I knew was a kiss
    I miss the days when I would be all fun and ignorance is bliss
    I miss comic books game boy 64
    I miss the summer days id walk to the store
    I miss summer nights watching the fire flies
    I miss the Easter bunny tooth fairy now there all lies
    I miss pb&j after a long school day
    I miss thinking girls where icky getting chased at recess ha! now they only want me to undress
    I miss the camp the sleep overs and the first girl boy party
    I miss my first fight my nose was bloody
    I miss the days I was never cheated on every time I said glad their gone
    I miss the days of no drama now there's so much feeling the nausea
    I miss my friends that I lost from bad situations my closest friend died of complication
    I miss the days when everyone was there now they all left do they even care
    I miss the days when I didn’t know you that good we'd talk on the phone as long as you could
    I miss when I didn't know what next you were going to say
    I miss the feeling when I knew you'd always stay
    I miss god son my best friend my cousin!
    I miss when my dad was healthy before I found him fallen yelling help me
    I miss when it was okay to cry now I can only do it when somebody dies
    I miss Dara, Dean, Dante and, Johnny.
    But most of all I miss you …