• I had written a poem when I was young.
    I was four, maybe five—
    I wanted to make you smile.
    I spent all night to try and make you smile.

    I showed it to my family—
    They smiled.
    I showed it to my friends—
    They smiled.
    I was happy—
    I smiled, too.

    When I showed it to you,
    You looked at it—
    You pushed me away,
    Burnt the words.
    I didn’t smile,
    Because you were upset.
    I wondered what I did.

    Time passed,
    And I hoped to see you again—
    You were nowhere to be found;
    I searched everywhere.
    I asked your family—
    They cried.
    I asked your friends—
    They cried.
    I was upset—
    I almost cried.

    When I saw you,
    I saw your words.
    They were simple, elegant,
    And made me cry.

    ‘My love is brighter
    Than the brightest star.
    I cannot be shaken--
    I never will be.
    My heart holds much,
    And it holds you as well.
    I love you,
    And I hope we never fade.’

    Those words made me cry
    When tears could not.
    The rain would never end,
    For your epitaph would make tears fall
    Until the day I die, too.
    I love you,
    And I hope that never fades.