• She was a little one
    No other has seen her tears and fears
    For she has lived and died for her life
    She was hurt by family, friends, foes
    Yet she almost died upon request to herself
    She sniffed the drug of which is powerful white powder
    She was lied to, thinking it was the candy called M&M's
    But it was not
    It was cocaine, yet her small mind did not think anything of it
    She was told by the man that had held her after her birth,
    The man that was called her father
    That she was the worst daughter in the world
    She wanted to end her life
    But her peers knew nothing of it

    When she was in junior high
    A friend of hers and herself decided to commit suicide
    Because they both had the same problems
    At one point she found she had mental illnesses
    Bipolar disorder, anxiety, any other kinds
    To deal with her depression, she did not tell her peers a thing
    Never cried a tear for pitty from others

    She found that her family was messed up
    Never gave a care for her
    Only one person would take care of her
    and that is her mothers friend
    She was abused by her father who is now in jail
    Her mother was a drinker
    But she is happy to be here and alive
    Because one show made a difference to her
    And that show is...
    If You Really Knew Me.

    She did not think people cared, nor went through the same things she did.
    And if you are out there,
    I want you to know that a total stranger cares about you too. heart