• Red, Blue, Green what ever color makes you pleased to see that the world is big and round to walk on, to never fall and never float away. To stay in the middle and be barefoot in the sand to swimming to the far reaches of earth just to be with the one you love. Just to take on the burden for that one, to live your life as it has no limits. You would jump just to be they’re sitting next to that person even if it costs your life. Love is one thing that is real and one thing that never goes. Love and fear are two of the same because in love you fear to hurt your one true love.

    If you really believe that you can love without hesitation to say " I love you, just for you." then you will never love yourself or anyone. Once you take that and use it you can say " I will be by your side and never leave, Love is one thing I know that we have to cherish together. Even if you go far away I will never be with no other than you." When your love one falls you help them up, when your love one cries you cry along with, when your love one needs someone to lean on pull them in and show no fear of no caring, because in love you can't see it, you can show it...No you have to feel it inside your heart the warmth of you lover hand together with your shows that you are connected in a unbreakable bond.

    Is it true love never last, who knows? Love isn't just saying " I love you." Its much more, love is not only in the heart but in the soul, It is what makes your soul burn with that passion to care for them. So when you say that simple sentence "I love you." Think of what true love means, don’t lie to your heart just follow what it says and you will find out.