• The Gratutious Fantasy Land

    We are the music makers
    We are the dreamers of dreams
    We are freaks of nature
    Living day by day fearlessly
    We are sinners trying to avoid our cruel consequences
    We are gods commanding our labyrinth and forcing the world to see us
    But we fail to see the life in others, and we always stomp on and destroy others
    Why so much power?
    Well to develop our lives and to live our life to its fullest
    We have so much pride & prestige that we are blinded by a fantasy land
    We are rebels of life
    We create life in others
    Though more and more we dream
    The less we learn
    ' So To Be Or Not To Be"
    To dream on and live your labyrinth of suffering in a fantasy land
    Or you get out of the clouds and live your life in the real world, where you can't hide from life