• (sung to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)

    Life is like a widow’s wedding ring
    Where it was once alive, now it is a dead thing
    The ring you gave for your life
    Which was taken by a knife

    The ring on my hand is like life
    It seems to never end but does by a knife
    You’ll live your life and then be buried
    Hopefully by then you’ll be married

    A widow’s wedding ring is like a life time
    That is how long that you will be mine

    Life is like a widow’s wedding ring
    Where angels then the bearded lady sings
    You feel alive on your wedding day
    But this happy moment will not stay

    One day you will die
    The ring represents the circle of life
    One day you will be no more
    What will happen to your poor
    Wife, now widow forever
    A wedding is like your