• Times have changed,
    And so have I
    But you have changed as well.
    I haven't seen you in awhile,
    Hell, I haven't seen you at all.

    Three different schools,
    Three different friends
    Three different stories to tell

    Each one as diverse as the last
    Each one longing for the past

    The new friends haven't taken your place, oh no
    There isn't anyone else like you!
    Grown apart may not be the phrase
    That fits perfectly here

    I don't know if it was the miles that made the bond weaken
    I think if we were still together
    Time would take its toll too

    You're still my best friend,
    I don't care if you say the same
    I'm always here, never fear
    I support you every step of the way

    Maybe our paths will cross once more,
    Maybe this is the end
    Maybe by chance our children will meet and become best friends

    I wonder if trying to keep the bonds tight
    Is exactly what we need to do
    This isn't my first time taking this trip,
    But this time it has been much harder.
    Mainly because I'm a deeper person,
    And because you and I were so close

    We certainly have enough memories
    To last us until the end
    I don't know if this is true for you,
    But I mention you every day.
    It is always 'one time she and I did this'
    It gets a couple laughs,
    And if I were the type to cry easily,
    It might produce a few tears

    So to you this is my story,
    And it is not the last you will hear from me
    I hope you become the best you can be
    You still are my best friend,
    And you always will be
    We may not talk, or see each other
    But I pray for you everyday
    I don't take the phrase 'best friends forever' lightly,
    And I'm here if you ever need me.
    Or even if you just want me
    Or even if you don't.

    So no matter how far away you may be, you will ALWAYS dear to me(: