• Heart Shaped Petals

    Flowers fall to the ground
    Petals scatter all around
    The words they whisper are killing me now

    Lost in a crowd getting pushed around
    My senses are shutting down
    Your love is confusing to me now
    With heart shaped petals falling


    Tell me you love me
    Tell me you care
    Yelling and screaming but you don't seem to hear
    Save me
    Just tell me you love me

    I have so many things I want to ask

    I question the day you noticed me
    I question the day you'll leave me
    Too scared at what you'll say
    With my heart shaped petals falling

    With heart shaped petals falling!

    Make the flower of my heart bloom
    Just tell me it isn't true
    I am broken inside
    Just tell me you'll always be mine