• This Girl, all alone, having no one to talk to, walks alone down an empty, deserted, dark road

    that is is her soul. No matter how far she walks, the road is endless. Just keeps on going and

    going. Around this girl, are dead trees casting shadows on the ground that look like hands

    reaching out to grab the girl. Above her, is the moon, full and bright, making an eerie light on

    the girl and ground. As she walks, her surroundings become more dead and dark, yet the girl

    does not get scared, and keeps on moving. The wind blows her long night hair around her

    empty face. Her star eyes once sparkled with happiness but now there is only emptiness, from

    all of the pain and sorrow. This girl continues to walk down the path in the dark as the moon

    begins to fade away from the dark sky. Then something, thick began to drip down onto the girl

    from the trees. Something thick, wet and warm. Blood. The blood drops fall down onto the

    girl soaking her hair and clothes. The girl stops dead in her tracks, looking up at the

    nothing as blood falls down her face like tears, forming a huge puddle at her tired feet. Then

    slowly, she falls into the blood, into total darkness.

    This girl is gone.