• As I thought for hours
    I thought of him
    I thought of him and became afraid
    Afraid and sick
    I was afraid of the thought
    The thought of loving someone
    Someone who belonged to another
    She loved him
    I loved him
    My heart was crushed with pain and longing
    My stomach was twisted with sickening thoughts of betrayal
    She loved him
    I was to afraid to ask
    Afraid to ask if he could be mine
    If he and I could be we
    I was afraid of both the answer and the reaction
    I was afraid she would say no
    For my heart would ache with the longing pain
    I was afraid she would never be there for me again
    For I would lose my most beloved friend
    I was sick at the thought of asking her
    I was sick at the thought of losing her
    My mind reeled
    What to do?
    Where to start?
    The weeks past as I fought my longing with fear
    The chance disappeared
    He was never to be mine
    He couldn't see my face any longer
    So with the sorrow of a broken heart
    I long and I wait
    I wait pointlessly and then
    My end comes
    Painlessly and swift
    All it goes away
    And I never long again