• “Masquerade Life”
    By Sarah

    My life a masquerade party
    Always wearing a mask
    In realty I’m wearing several
    My makeup is the first one
    I don’t have natural beauty
    And I can’t embrace something I don’t have
    If someone stares into my eyes long enough
    They might see the second layer
    I’m broken to pieces on the inside
    But the surface is sewn together
    It’s hard to see the last mask
    But it’s not impossible
    This one tells the story of my heart break
    Even then I only tell a memory
    The mask is to cover up the pain
    People overlook the fact that
    I don’t tell the story of what I felt
    But of what I still feel
    And the memory that creates a heart ach
    As you can see my life
    Is full of masks that I wear
    In my masquerade life

    comments plz?