• "You are pathetic"
    'No I'm not...'
    "You disgrace me."
    'Please mother, stop...'
    "I never once cared"
    'Please don't say that'
    "You'll never find happiness"
    'Your breaking my heart'
    "I hate you! I hate you!"
    'Please mother, no...'
    "Get out of my house"
    'But where will I go?'
    "Do not talk back to me"
    'Please mom, let me go...'
    "Don't tell me what to do!"
    'Your breaking my arm!'
    "Your breaking my rules!"
    'Well, your breaking my heart'
    "I'll shut you up permanently!"
    'Mother, oh please no!'
    My mind went blank and my mother laughed
    As my body and blood hit the floor with a splat.