• its raining today,thunder and lightning rip through the sky like the wrath of god himself,there is something very primal about fear,fear of uncontrollable forces,fear of the unknown,its what drives us to action time and time again,the three base emotions,happiness,anger,fear,all only the beginning of human emotions,when the rain stops a white haze takes hold of nature only amplifying the fear,two things are at work here,silence,the deafening quiet,and the white haze concealing that winch we hold dear,familiarity,the thought of the unknown gives us license to imagine our own worst nightmares,what fills the dark recesses of the human mind is more fearsome than the mightiest creatures of our reality,why do we thirst to know the unknowable,because it controls our fear,shine light on what you fear and see it for what it is,unknowable,uncontrollable,and ultimately flawed fears,there is nothing in the light that is gone in darkness,white is the absence of color therefor black is the presence of all color,but in darkness we cannot see,take hold of your fear and cast it into the light,master it or it will consume you.