• You said I was an idiot
    I guess I really am
    you have to be an idiot
    to love someone like you

    I never meant the words I said
    all of it was stupid drunken slurs
    I apologize and apologize
    and would do anything to make it right

    But say im trash
    saying im an idiot
    not feeling bad
    or any remorse
    thats kinda of low

    Oh Dylan may I ask?
    how many hearts you have broken
    how long does your "love last"
    do you know how many tears were shed for you
    how many girls are hurt over you
    how many people truly hate you
    but that doesn't matter
    cuz of course its all about you

    you know what really annoys me
    how you think you are untouchable
    and you think people are afraid of you
    honestly your just ******** horrible

    so go ahead and laugh this off
    cuz you just say it all isn't true
    your as thin as paper cloth
    and I never ment to hurt you

    Oh Dylan may I ask?
    how many hearts you have broken
    how long does your "love last"
    do you know how many tears were shed for you
    how many girls are hurt over you
    how many people truly hate you
    but that doesn't matter
    cuz of course its all about you

    this entire song was why I hate you
    but I cant lie so i have to say I still love you
    i still care for you
    I still want you
    you have hurt me
    burned me
    frustrate me
    and killed me
    but I have to admit
    I would give my life
    to do all over again