• "You get what you give."
    True or false.
    "Karma comes around."
    But it's just a loss.
    I greatly appreciate,
    your so called, "help."
    Though I cannot say,
    it did it's job.
    So Welcome the Dark Demise,
    which you created, and I will keep alive.
    If you truly believe,
    those sayings are false.
    I will create them,
    into your loss.
    The brigade of,
    never-ending words
    Will be spilled upon,
    the things you recall, "Dirt."
    So Welcome the Dark Demise,
    for it is, time to clear your web of lies.
    Pray upon forgiveness,
    for it may be lost after this.
    I foresee a dark future,
    for your web of dark demise.
    So Welcome back Karma,
    what you give is what you receive.
    Welcome back the web of lies,
    you once gave to me.
    Give me some truth,
    and this will stop before it begins.
    A truth I give you,
    a promise from an old friend.
    Though, if you tend,
    to lie again.
    It will be an end.
    Truth be told,
    I don't mind.
    Your not giving me,
    any time to realize.
    I was not here,
    for you to report my so called, "Abuse."
    It's time I give you,
    what you asked for.
    So Welcome back Karma,
    and then you will see.
    You will have to open your Welcome the Dark Demise,
    from your past and set it free.