• Snow you fall so fiercely
    To hide... i do not know

    when you fall perhaps you let go
    Of every thing that's ever hurt you
    and everything that ever will
    but that takes much skill

    Sometimes you seem really mean
    but that's because people don't look in between
    to see what hides inside you snow
    then again you don't want to be seen

    You blow so hard to warn others away
    and howl so loud to keep them at bay
    when will you let someone in
    to calm inside you the raging din

    snow you have so many ways to fall
    yet you choose nothing at all
    till your temper is frayed
    then you blow so fiercely
    so nothing will give u away

    snow when will you blow gently
    as i know you can do
    stop and just feel what u were meant to

    but snow one last thing
    Never stop falling
    or you'll end the dream

    snow fall gently, fiercely and hard
    snow just fall and let down your guard