• "Hello."
    That's all I really want to hear, isn't it? what we all want to hear. A simple "hello."
    Well, I guess I'd also want to hear "I like you," or even "I love you," but I'm not sure it'll happen. But that's how it goes.
    I'm not so bold as to go so far and say, "My passions for you burn like a thousand white-hot suns" or something cheesy like that.
    Don't get me wrong. I love you. It waxes and wanes, but I love you. Not nearly as small as an elementary school crush, but nothing as colossal as "white-hot suns."
    Still, what I would give to be in your arms or leaning against your body in the hallways. But I'm not stupid. I know it's not that easy.
    I'm a dreamer. I daydream. Mostly about you, but other things as well. Like what my last name will be in maybe ten years. (Hopefully yours? Probably not, but I'll try my best.)
    I dream about confrontations between us. Usually one that ends up in lips touching gently as we look at each other, at each other's eyes.
    I dream. But that's the thing...dreams aren't real. It saddens me to think about it, but it's true. But dreams are nice for now, and they're one of the only things I'm truly holding on to. And I wait patiently, and sometimes not so patiently, for the night when I cannot sleep. The night when I know I cannot sleep because my reality is finally better than my dreams. Hmmm....I thought I promised myself not to get cheesy....
    I think about you every day. Honestly. I know it's cliche, but a lot of things that are cliche we do and say anyway. Like when we say "I like you," or "I love you." It's cliche. But it still means a lot, doesn't it? At least, I think so.
    I guess that's what I'm trying to say. "I like you."
    I love you.