• 12 years I have wandered these halls
    These Corridors of no end
    Staring into eternal darkness

    Corridor after Corridor
    I'm slipping into madness
    These halls...will never end

    My only companion
    My mind, my thoughts, my illusions
    But not another soul to be seen

    Will I spend the rest of my days
    Wandering in darkness...
    Wandering in oblivion...?

    Tell me my companion
    Will we ever find escape
    from this endless horror?

    What am I looking for
    And where has time gone
    This darkness...will come to comsume me?

    13 years I have wandered these halls
    and still not a soul to be seen
    And would I expect to?

    14 years I have wandered these halls
    My companion...What's wrong?
    You don't seem well today...

    15 years I have wandered these halls
    Sadness, insanity, greif
    What is to become of me?

    16 years I have wandered these halls
    My name, my friends, my memories
    Did they ever really exist...?

    17 years I have wandered these halls
    I've lost myself to these Corridors
    I've lost myself...I've lost...