• Struggle to find... My life's content... which leads my mind to be so malcontent... pieces of my heart that do not fit... It's like a poison dart killin me bit by bit...All my dreams chased away... it adds to all my doubts unknown... Eyes cannot see... thoughts? never shown... Never felt.. never come together to know...What does it all mean? To who...m do have to show... all things I've seen... no one else can handle... But as I begin... it will already the end.My heart, my soul, my life, consuming no feelings to take. Darkness begins to gather as the light, brighter grows day by day... For once I know... I do not feel so bleak. I guess the thing I fear the most is myself, which is not that scary after all.All and all is what's at stake. Madness no longer gets in the way. I have alot to show, no worries about being weak. Head is spinning like it's in tune, in gear. Maybe it's destroying my wall.My heart... does not feel so torn apart...my soul burns... as if hot as coal...My life... sharper than any knife. My rage, my anger, my despair, thoughts of no feel linger still. Hate consuming only a little of me. All these thoughts and things I always get wrong, only cursed by mortality. No time to make zeal, left alone, never let me be. Look up I gotta be strong, no longer do I alter reality.My rage... locked in it's cage...My anger... never will you be in danger...My despair? I lied. I do care.