• She doesn't have to have poise or grace
    But I would prefer her to have a lovely face.

    A dame with patience is what I desire
    One that will have eyes for no other sire.

    Because I will treat her like a queen,
    I think it only fair she consider me equally keen.

    There are times when my head swells to enormous girth;
    I want someone who will bring me gently down to earth.

    Someone willing to talk things out and provide support
    Rather than suddenly Mission: Abort.

    When I feel like dirt, she'll remain by my side
    Instead of becoming a cold heartless bride.

    One with spirit and determination that burn brighter than the fiercest fire
    With a voice sweeter than that of any lyre.

    But what I want most is simply one that will care
    In spite of the fact I have a vast amount of hair.