• A vast night sky
    Filled with the circumference of the moon.
    Always bright
    But not always in sight.

    Sometimes hidden,
    Behind the sad remorse of dark clouds
    They can hide it for
    It's the light that guides our way at night

    Without the moon,
    It would be dark,
    We would be blinded,
    And we would loose our way.

    With the moon,
    It's bright,
    We can see,
    And we'd never get lost.

    But the moon,
    Also has a dark side.
    It brings the animal out in everybody.
    From werewolf's,
    To killers it's all the same.

    So why hide in the darkness?
    Where the evil lurks.
    They're able to hide in it.
    Feed off of it.
    From the ones that are the true monsters of the night.