• User,
    Now I know what you are,
    you used me to get to her.
    I am your experiment, That failed terribly.
    After being with you,
    I gave my heart and soul,
    I wanted to be the one that never failed.
    Yet I introduced you to her and everything went wrong,
    I became a failure and she became your one.
    I am the used, I see that now,
    So many hearts have been broken.
    You smile and say things that heart me more,
    Than you could ever know.
    I thought I was different from all the others,
    An experiment you wouldn't regret...
    I was horribly wrong and now i see,
    I'm just like the rest.
    So for the best,
    I cry in my little toy box where i was thrown away,
    As the sun shines each day, another holds me dear.
    I smile and laugh, I grow and move.
    But whenever I see I was clearly used...
    I regret ever introducing you two.......